Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and copyright law
1 min to read

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and copyright law

A topic at the edge of intellectual property (IP) law is the ambiguous relationship between non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and copyright law. NFTs have been put under the spotlight this year, as several sales of NFTs recorded purchase prices exceeding a million dollars. Astoundingly, an NFT of a digital artwork, ‘Everydays: The First 5000 Days’ by Beeple, was sold by the famous auction house Christie’s for USD69.3 million in March 2021.

It is unclear at this stage whether the popularity of NFTs is merely a ‘hype’ that will fade away or whether NFTs are a genuinely revolutionary product of blockchain technology that could permanently transform businesses, like cryptocurrencies have done.

To read about the relationship between NFTs and Australian copyright law, see the full article here.

Written by
Lynne Lewis
Lynne Lewis
I am a partner in our Intellectual Property Group in Sydney. Intellectual property, and related consumer and regulatory law, is my area of specialty.
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Jane Owen
Jane Owen
I'm a partner and head of our Intellectual Property Group in Sydney where I use my deep-level experience of complex IP strategy and disputes to advise clients from a range of IP-rich industries.
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Hamish Fraser
Hamish Fraser
I'm the lead partner of our Australian IT and Communications Groups in Sydney, where our clients are at the cutting edge of legal and regulatory developments in the region.
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Rohit Dighe
Rohit Dighe
I am an Associate in the Intellectual Property Group in our Sydney office.
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