Can Code Be Law?
43 min to read
12 August 2021
Can Code Be Law?
Bird & Bird Partner Dr. Michael Jünemann teamed up with the tech-expert Dr. Udo Milkau to address legal challenges of Blockchain-based contracts. A pdf including notes, citations and sources...
VIDEO - The High Risk of Regulating Artificial Intelligence: What does your company need to prepare for?
VIDEO – The High Risk of Regulating Artificial Intelligence: What does your company need to prepare for?
The European Commission recently unveiled an Artificial Intelligence (AI) proposal with the aim of setting a 'global gold standard' for rules in this cutting-edge sector. Bird & Bird’s International...
Your chance to influence the future regime governing exhaustion of IP rights in the UK
1 min to read
15 June 2021
Your chance to influence the future regime governing exhaustion of IP rights in the UK
The UK Government has launched a much-anticipated consultation on the exhaustion of IP rights.  It is widely recognised that there will not be a consensus given the contentious nature of this subject,...
Internet of Things: Future Legislation
3 min to read
21 May 2021
Internet of Things: Future Legislation
The government recently published an update on its planned IoT cybersecurity legislation. Currently, IoT devices tend to be less secure than other parts of consumer networks. The legislation aims to make...
Digital Compass: EU outlines its digital ambitions for 2030
1 min to read
18 May 2021
Digital Compass: EU outlines its digital ambitions for 2030
The Commission recently presented a vision for Europe’s digital transformation by 2030 which revolves around four main pillars: skills, government, infrastructure and business. These four areas are part...
New Report aims to increase awareness among smaller enterprises of the checks and balances in the P2B Regulation
3 min to read
05 May 2021
New Report aims to increase awareness among smaller enterprises of the checks and balances in the P2B Regulation
Bird & Bird has contributed to a new report on the EU Platform to Business Regulation recently published by the Digital Future Society, a non-profit transnational initiative aiming to engage stakeholders...
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